The engagement of this project has ended

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Thank you for your participation!

Dear citizens of Munich,

Thank you very much for participating in the EX-TRA project’s research! We value your contribution to our understanding of citizens’ perspectives on the Summer Plaza at Holzplatz and the transformation of Piazza Zenetti.

The Commonplace part of the research project has now finished and the surveys will be closed for comment on 28 April 2023. The website will however remain available for citizens to visit for another two years, including the other respondents’ answers to the surveys.

In September-October 2022, we also collected approximately 90 additional responses on the street. You can read a blog post about our engagement with citizens here:

The University of Westminster has begun analysing your survey responses. Discussions with the Technical University of Munich and City of Munich will now follow. Please continue checking the EX-TRA website, where a summary of the research findings will be published before the end of the project in March 2024:

For any questions, you can write to us via the Contact Form at the bottom of our website or contact us via Twitter @EX_TRA__Project or Facebook.

Kind Regards,

The EX-TRA project team

University of Westminster, Technical University of Munich, Green City Experience. 

With the support of the City of Munich 

Posted on 27th April 2023

by University of Westminster